Welcome to Rolfing!

Rolfing® refers to a system of Structural Integration and manual therapy developed by Dr Ida Rolf over 50 years of study. It is an original and scientifically proven system of body restructuring and movement education, which releases the body from lifelong patterns of tension and bracing, and allows the force of gravity to realign the body’s segments.

The Rolfing series is designed to uncover a structural ease and balance that is unique to each client. Rolfing cannot accurately be described as therapy or as a returning of the body to a “natural” state from which it has deteriorated. Rather, it is a process of education in which a Rolfer seeks to help a client discover the most efficient means of using his or her body, given the uniqueness of the individual. Through hands on techniques and guided movements, Rolfing slowly stretches and repositions the body’s fascia, the supportive wrapping of the body, restoring natural length and elasticity to the body through its network of deep connective fibers of the fascia.

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